#4604 有機大紅棗-盒裝 Organic Dried Large Jujubes (里仁) 300 g, 24/cs
#4604 有機大紅棗-盒裝 Organic Dried Large Jujubes (里仁) 300 g, 24/cs
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#4604 有機大紅棗-盒裝 Organic Dried Large Jujubes (里仁) 300 g, 24/cs

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有機大紅棗  (里仁)









 大棗果肉肥厚,色美味甜,富含蛋白質、脂肪、糖類、維生素、礦物質等營養素,因此大棗歷來是益氣、養血、安神的保健佳品,對高血壓、心血管疾病、失眠、貧血等病人都很有益。大棗不僅是養生保健的佳品,更是護膚美顏的佳品。棗能提高人體免疫力,並可抑制癌細胞:藥理研究發現,紅棗能促進白細胞的生成,降低血清膽固醇,提高血清白蛋白,保護肝臟,紅棗中還含有抑制癌細胞,甚至可使癌細胞向正常細胞轉化的物質。 (摘自 《A医学百科》)


大棗含有大量的糖類物質,主要為葡萄糖,也含有果糖、蔗糖,以及由葡萄糖和果糖組成的低聚糖、阿拉伯聚糖及半乳醛聚糖等;並含有大量的維生素C、核黃素、硫胺素、胡蘿卜素、尼克酸等多種維生素,具有較強的補養作用,能提高人體免疫功能,增強抗病能力。氣、養血、安神的保健佳品,對高血壓、心血管疾病、失眠、貧血等病人都很有益。大棗不僅是養生保健的佳品,更是護膚美顏的佳品。(摘自 《A医学百科》)

● 補氣紅棗茶:取黃耆、枸杞及紅棗,各約15公克後,加入1000毫升的水,用小火煮開後即可飲用。
● 藥膳煲湯:直接加入各種煲湯食材一同食用,強化營養成分。










Origin: China

Ingredients: Organic jujube

Shelf life: 12 months (unopened)

Storage: Avoid direct sunlight, in a cool, dry place, with refrigeration after opening

Organic Certified: Tse-Xin Organic Certification Corporation

Certification # : TOC-P0002 

1 Jujube sugar content is higher, the surface is easy to produce white glycosylated particles, the normal phenomenon, please feel free to eat
2. Pregnant women, diabetes, high blood pressure patients and special physique, please consult the physician, consider eating
3. Products due to natural sunburn method, occasionally dip some leaves, dead branches, dust, no quality , Please feel free to eat
4. This product is not raw food, please clean before cooking food

From the red dates in northern Shaanxi
The jujube jujube is produced in dry northern Shaanxi where there is plenty of sunshine and plenty of sunshine. Longer in the Yellow River Basin arid areas of jujube tree temperature difference, the conclusion of the jujube quality, full thick, dark red color, sweet and delicious. After a special screening, each one in more than 2.5 cm, contains a variety of proteins, minerals and vitamins. Harvest after cleaning, and then to mechanical drying, can be eaten directly, or together with the Astragalus, Chinese wolfberry into hot water brewing into qi tea, or add cooking in the cooking. Jujube itself contains glucose and fructose, dried glucose will precipitate from the epidermis of the fruit, the formation of the epidermal white spots, not moldy.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not easy to trace
In recent years, the demand for traditional Chinese medicine ingredients in the global market is getting larger and larger, and pesticides are commonly used in various producing areas in order to ensure yield and prevent insect pests. In order to facilitate long-distance transport and preservation at room temperature, Chinese herbal medicine is usually fumigated with sulfur dioxide after harvesting. High prices of Chinese medicine may also have the problem of fakes, and some practitioners will be close to the herbs, mixed with real thing to be confused. Although many Chinese medicine practitioners and Chinese medicine traders also want to check consumers, it is very difficult for them to really trace their source to control the origin.

Finding a source of cleanliness
Based on the general dietary habits of Chinese using herbal ingredients, Li Ren went straight to the place of origin for pure Chinese herbal medicines. After many twists and turns, and finally in northern Shaanxi Province, origin of Chinese medicine, commissioned by farmers do not apply pesticides and fertilizers organic cultivation. Organic jujube cultivation period, there are irregular monitoring sampling, after harvesting is sent to the international organic certification body inspection, from planting, production, packaging and other processes have detailed control and testing. In order to avoid possible contamination during the transportation process, individual individual containers are taken in for import and are not tied to other customary products. Imported into the country after the preservation of the cold storage, once again through the pesticide, sulfur dioxide, heavy metal detection of safety before shelves.

Features :

About 1,300 years ago, the Loess Plateau on the Yellow River beach, which started to grow jujube trees, due to the unique loess geology, ample sunshine climate, to grow full fruit, thin thin core of the Yellow River beach date, and the entire process through the International Organic Certification . 100% No added preservatives, artificial colors and spices, no sulfur dioxide fumigation, jujube preserves the original sweet and sour taste.

How to eat:

  • Herbal jujube tea: Take Astragalus, Chinese wolfberry and red dates, the about 15 grams, add 1000 ml of water, boil with low heat to drink.
  • Medicated soup: add a variety of soup ingredients directly with food, strengthen nutrition